Laurie is my "go-to" for all things nutrition. If I want to know where to eat that serves clean, non-GMO food, or what to give my kids when they are coming down with something, or have a rash or whatever, I call her. Over the years, she has helped me and my family in countless ways and she is a total joy to work with. -- DY, Los Angeles
Dr. Jay Gordon, MD (internationally renowned pediatrician) said to Laurie, "You know more about food and nutrition than anyone I know"
"You saved my life." --GF, California
"I know I'm not doing this work with you for weight loss but I remember that it was one of my goals at the beginning. I got on the scale for the first time since our work began and I've lost about 13lbs!! I still could lose about 10 more to feel like I'm at a good weight for me but hey- I'm headed in the right direction and I've been making and eating delicious food while losing weight. I just wanted to say thanks for all your help because I feel so good."
--JS, Colorado
"I went to two doctors and no one could help. With your advice and protocol, my daughter's skin rash cleared up in less than two days, thank you." -- MC, California
"I feel great, I sleep better, I have more energy, my dermatitis cleared up. Thank you for everything you do." --JB, Colorado
"I just wanted to say THANK YOU, and what you are doing is REALLY HEROIC and IMPORTANT!!!! Even my mom is now eating organic and I feel so much better. Within two weeks, my son's teacher told me his is concentrating better in school. And, [two months into working with you] the 2 dogs are now on organic pet food and I asked my parents for a goat:)" -- DZ, New Jersey
Laurie is a LIFE-CHANGER. -- MC, British, Columbia
Laurie's knowledge of nutrition is EXCELLENT. She has made a huge difference in my life, and my husband's. I highly recommend her. -- BK, Los Angeles
It's not just nutrition but I learned so much about how our food gets made...I learned to shop, prepare some great recipes, meditate, manage my stress, and think about things differently. I felt totally safe with Laurie, and it was fun to work with her too! --TK, Los Angeles
My husband and I have worked with Laurie over the years, and she has revolutionized our health, how we look at food, and how we feel. Words can't explain the gift she has been to us both. We truly wouldn't be feeling and looking the way we do if it weren't for her expert help, advice, support and dedication! --CL, Los Angeles